AD Podcasts of the Week: Science

Our favourite Science Podcasts of the moment...

A great way to learn a little more about the World around you is to listen to these informative, and FUN Science Podcasts. Whether you are soaking up the information on your daily commute or relaxing in an hammock sipping on a cocktail these following Podcasts contain mountains of engaging content and more than a few moments that will make you giggle.

Probably Science
Once a week professional comedians/incompetent scientists take you through this week in science. Incompetently. Your hosts are Matt Kirshen, Andy Wood and Jesse Case (the earlier episodes also feature the hilarious Brooks Wheelan). The always great guests may have little, if any background in the field, but that doesn't stop them from weighing in on the latest happenings and goings on in all things science.
One of our favourite episodes: Episode 134 with Astronaut and former Commander of the International Space Station Colonel Chris Hadfield. Col. Hadfield talks about his time in the ISS, answers a few questions about space and his books 'An Astronaut's Guide to Life on Earth' and 'You Are Here'.

Sleek Geeks
Sleek Geeks sees beloved Aussie brainiacs Dr Karl Kruszelnicki and Adam Spencer mix science with humour as they set out to answer some of the perplexing scientific mysteries we encounter on a daily basis. This highly entertaining science-fuelled knowledge whirlwind will have you "learning something without even noticing"...
One of our favourite episodes: "Breastcancer Breakthrough" Dr. Karl and Adam are joined by Prof Susan Clarke, who walks them through her breakthrough research looking at the methylome of breast cancer. Her work in finding distinct patterns associated with different types of breast cancer and working out how to distinguish between aggressive and benign forms will have far reaching implications for treatment.

The Naked Scientists
Based at Cambridge University's Institute of Continuing Education (ICE), the Naked Scientists are a team of scientists, doctors and communicators whose passion is to help the general public to understand and engage with the worlds of science, technology and medicine.
Latest Episode: 26th May "How many Geckos to hold up a human?" Why moles have super sensitive faces; how snakes can swallow prey bigger than their heads and how 'gecko glue' can hold up 2 humans!! This week, amazing animals...

The team at Auditory Discourse hope you check out and enjoy these fun and informative Science Podcasts- as always, you can get straight through to their pages by clicking on the Podcast title.
Happy Podcasting!