AD Podcasts of the Week: Interview

Our favourite Interview podcasts of the moment...

Podcasting is the perfect interview format- no ad breaks, no cameras, and you can edit content afterwards and publish when you're ready. There are SO MANY wonderful interview podcasts out there, and we'll aim to touch on many more, but here are just a few to start you off. 

WTF with Marc Maron
Each week, comedian Marc Maron interviews people of note- celebrities, musicians and fellow comics- in his LA garage. Maron has a knack for getting even the more guarded of his guests to open up, making for candid and insightful conversations. 
Best episode so far: The most recent 50 episodes are free with a subscription option for a small cost. If you act quickly you can still download one of the show’s best- A two-part episode with Louis CK. This week's episode stars wonderful genius David Byrne, too, so get on that.

The Nerdist
The Nerdist has become a media empire, with its creator Chris Hardwick, who I doubt ever sleeps, devising and supporting a myriad of other shows. The original Nerdist podcast, hosted by Hardwick, is always a lot of fun. Their guests range from giant superstars (Paul McCartney, anyone?) to up-and-comers.
Best episode so far: Mitch Hurwitz (12th June 2014). Fans of cult tv show Arrested Development (which had better be all of you) will love this chat with the series’ creator.

Wilosophy with Wil Anderson
In Wil Anderson’s second podcast (the first, TOFOP, is our very favourite-more on that in another post), he sits down with a guest to delve into what drives them- their philosophy, if you will. You’ll recognise a lot of the names, but this is more like a candid chat between friends and always an interesting listen. 
Best Episode So Far: Wil chats with paralympian and all-round excellent guy Kurt Fearnley about his many triumphs. Guaranteed motivation to get up and do something with your life.